
Happy Halloween everyone!!!

This is just a great day overall, not just because it's Halloween. It's also the day before NaNoWriMo and NaKniSweMo (!!!), and the day before a FOUR DAY WEEKEND!! Yay! And I don't have loads of homework! Double yay!

I am sooooo excited about casting on for my NaKniSweMo sweater!! I have the pattern practically memorized because I've looked at it so much, and I have all the supplies I'll need (yarn and needles) all set out and ready. If I stay up late enough tonight, which is likely, I can start it at midnight! Hooray!!

Another exciting thing: I've started regularly updating my Ravelry account! Look for me (and friend me!) there as browncoat50.

Happy trick-or-treating everyone! Be safe!


Staci said...

Yay for November, the best month in the whole freakin' year!

I'm 11,000 words into Nano. How goes the sweater?

Anonymous said...

Yay Halloween!
Yay NaKniSweMo!